My thoughts on CERN: July 5th, 2022
Since I’m getting so many messages about CERN, I feel obligated to say my opinion about the subject. CERN has announced that July 5th, they will be increasing the power to the Hadron Collider. This has been operational for a while. Last time they increased the power, we had a timeline shift (think Mandella effect) and some other strange things happened.
There is a lot of FEAR and concern with what may or may not happen tomorrow. Here is the kicker…no one knows what will happen, even psychics cannot predict it! So, since this is out of your control, focus on what you can control, your vibration. You’ll want to VIBE HIGHER.
Haven’t you noticed all of the division, left/right sides all around us lately? They want to distract us with fear, hate and division, so quit allowing it! You are always in control of what you watch, what you think and what you say. VIBE HIGHER
Be wise with everyday choices. Are you eating good food, watching your alcohol consumption (it lowers vibes for 24 hours), drinking clean water, clearing the home (with sage or salt), meditating, grounding and cleaning your home/environment? Those are easy things you can do to help with balance and increasing vibration. VIBE HIGHER
Empaths, observe but do not absorb. Put the phone down, turn the TV off and focus on what makes you happy in the moment. Put up your light shield, stay in your unconditional love and don’t give away your power to fear. VIBE HIGHER
Balance and focus on the higher vibrational frequencies is how you can help contribute to shifting into better timelines, rewriting narratives, squashing division, closing portals and stop the brainwashing. Fear is the only tool they have left to keep us off balance, vibrating at lower frequencies and arguing with each other. VIBE HIGHER
Yes, things are going to change, they are supposed to! Quit living in fear of the ‘what if’, let go of your damn control of things and envision, feel and speak on what you’d like to see. Law of Attraction is still at play, so don’t feed into their narrative of fear, division and hate. VIBE HIGHER
You chose to be here in this time, space and reality and you are still helping to create the reality in which you’d like to see. So what do YOU want to see, create and experience? What world do you want to see around you? You can begin to make it happen, just focus on the outcome. VIBE HIGHER.
Quit putting your hands in people, places or things who can come save or rescue you. Haven’t you realized you must do it yourself? No aliens, governments or external sources are coming to save you or humanity. We must do it as a spiritual collective, each on our own, due to our free will! VIBE HIGHER
You need to connect to the Creator, Universe, God, Source, YHWH (or whatever you choose to call ‘it’) and your higher self. Easiest way is to meditate and focus on connecting to it. Give yourself some time today to simply connect to that energy, without expectation. That is how you can VIBE HIGHER
You cannot fight fear with fear. You never could. You fight it with pure, unconditional love. We are becoming more powerful spiritually, energetically and physically. We are here to build a better world for us and our children. They cannot stop the higher vibrational frequency given off by us as a collective. You are not alone, you never were. You are chosen by the Creator, to be here at this time. So my dear enlightened one please…VIBE HIGHER.
With pure, unconditional love,
-Psychic/Medium Kelli Miller